Symphio News

3 Simple Steps to Future-Proof Your Business

Written by Amelia Orwick | Jul 26, 2021 6:24:11 PM

Today, businesses must be more willing to adapt than at any other point in history, as technological innovation continues to accelerate and customer expectations evolve. 

The healthcare industry is undergoing especially rapid change – in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which put immense pressure on organizations to advance quickly and embrace new tools.

According to a study by McKinsey & Company, the pandemic made it more important for healthcare organizations to actively extend their innovation efforts – by means of collaboration, acceleration and invention.

Whether you work in health insurance, medicine or an alternative field, you should be embracing innovation and taking steps to future-proof your business. But what does future-proofing actually entail?

Future-proofing requires you to anticipate change and develop methods to minimize the effects of stress due to future events.

Here are three steps you can take to ensure your organization is poised for the future:

Adopt a growth mind-set

One of the most common reasons why businesses fail is because they become too comfortable with the status quo. Leaders assume that what made them successful in the past will continue to bring them success in the future. Of course, that’s no way to think in the twenty-first century.

Rather than focusing on preservation, you should be focused on forward progress and promoting a growth mindset across your entire organization.

After all, growth-minded employees are more accepting of change and have greater success when it comes to implementing new ideas, processes and technologies.

In short, healthcare is transforming at a faster rate than almost any other industry. If you aren’t prepared for some level of transformation, then be prepared to fall behind.

Ask for help

Part of growing is acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers and recognizing that it’s OK to ask for help.

Whether you’re fixing business strategy or exploring new technologies, there are plenty of experts whose knowledge you can leverage to bolster your decisions.

By trusting third parties to coach you in their respective fields of expertise, you can remain focused on your core competencies and strategic growth.

Once you’ve adopted a growth mindset, leaning on others should come naturally. Learn to engage in conversation, listen to new perspectives and accept constructive criticism, and you will be well positioned for future success.

Modernize your systems

Unfortunately, the right mentality doesn’t mean much if you don’t have the right tools in place to bring your progressive vision to life. You must also be willing to expend the time and resources necessary to update your enterprise systems.

This is especially true for the data-driven healthcare industry, which relies on technology to manage the details associated with millions of patients.

Many healthcare organizations operate legacy systems that have been altered over time to meet emerging needs. This piece-meal approach to software development has added complexity for users, significantly slowing down business activity.

Although modifying your existing systems may save you cost and time today, it will inevitably cause you headache in the future.

Consider investing in platforms that offer a user-friendly experience and the flexibility you need to grow. Although implementation projects can be daunting, they can also be smooth-running and successful with the right attitude and support. 

Symphio is a great example of a cutting-edge tool that is revolutionizing healthcare operations. The platform simplifies the arrangement, review and distribution of member communications, including everything from complex policy documents to personalized marketing materials.

Thanks to modern architecture, Symphio is able to keep up with the ever-growing communications demand. Not to mention, it comes with a dynamic suite of tools for an ultra-intuitive user experience.

Simply by upgrading your communications platform, you stand to increase workplace productivity exponentially. Users can dedicate less time to managing complex templating technology and more time to ensuring quality communications.

For more information about how Symphio can help future-proof your business, visit